Monday, December 15, 2008

Decor: less is more?

How important is the décor of a restaurant? Is an elaborately decorated restaurant more successful than a restaurant that is not decorated?

In all three of the restaurants we studied (Chili’s, Paradise Bakery, and Training Table) there was some form of decoration throughout the restaurant. Chili’s and Training Table had more elaboration decorations, with multiple framed pictures and memorabilia hanging on the walls. Paradise Bakery had an obvious theme to its décor, but the walls were not as crowded with art, and the decorations were much simpler than those seen at the other restaurants. All of the walls in Paradise Bakery were painted in softer earth tones, and it was very clear that the designer intended the restaurant to be a relaxing environment. The simple nature of the décor in Paradise Bakery was very successful at lending patrons to feel calmer and more relaxed. The elaboration decorations at Chili’s and Training Table added to the overall excitement in the restaurants, and this more decorated approach was also successful at these restaurants


The level of decoration in a restaurant does not directly determine whether or not the restaurant will be successful. It is very important, however, for a restaurant to have some form of decoration so customers don’t feel as if they’re in a boring or empty space.

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